Goodbye 1st trimester....HELLO 2nd trimester :)
I went to see my OB this afternoon for my 14 week checkup. She did the usual - checked my urine for glucose which there was none & my blood pressure which was low so all checked out ok. She said my weight was right where it should be so that is good. I got to hear the heartbeat also which was ticking away at 148 bpm. I will never get tired of that sound!! She also gave me the "go-ahead" to resume "intimate relations" with the hubby so I know he will be one happy camper when hears this :)
So, all in all things are going really well & I have no complaints. And without further ado, here is the update I know a few of you have been anxiously awaiting...
*I didn't have time to take my usual pic this week but this is from Saturday evening which shows my "baby bump" pretty good. I went with my friend Jilly to the J-Lo/Enrique concert & it was a fabulous time!
How far along? 14 weeks (baby is 3 1/2 inches long & the size of a lemon)
Symptoms: The nausea is gone & my energy is back! Woo hoo - glad to finally be feeling back to myself. However, I'm not really crazy about these DD's I am carrying around ;)
Weight gain/loss: +2 lbs (for a total of 5 lbs gained)
Maternity clothes? not yet. I did however buy my first maternity t-shirt at Kohl's this weekend but it is still a little too big to wear yet. My sister also sent me some maternity tops for the fall, a pair of jeans & a pair of shorts to wear which all fit pretty good. I also went through my closet & pulled out what clothes I could wear as "maternity" clothes (tunic tops, sweaters, leggings, etc) & mix/matched some outfits for the fall. I was surprised at how many outfits I actually do have in my own closet that will work!
Sleep: no problems other than still waking up to pee at 4am & not being able to fall back asleep. Will this ever end??
Food cravings/aversions: now that I am feeling better, I am trying to eat less of the "comfort" foods & add healthier items into my diet. Still can't give up my potatoes though!!
Movement? none yet
What I miss? honestly?? my "C" cup boobs - lol :)
Best moment(s) this week: seeing my girlfriend Desiree & leaving behind the 1st trimester
What I'm looking forward to: feeling the baby move
Next Appointment: August 23rd-
AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) blood draw to see if the baby has a neural
tube defect such as spina bifida or anencephaly.
Milestones: Baby T can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, & suck his/her thumb! Facial muscles are getting a workout as the tiny features form one expression after another. The kidneys are producing urine, which is released into the amniotic fluid around him/her. An ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, is starting to develop all over his/her body. The liver starts making bile this week & the spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells.