Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Getting Together!?

We went with Plan B...

Decided to forego the IUI since Shane missing work was going to be a problem. No big deal though - it was actually kind of nice for once to not have to rush a sample up to the Dr's office & have a plastic tube inserted into an area where no plastic should go :) When I called the NP to tell her the plan, she said in these exact words "make sure you & Shane do alot of "getting together" these next few days"! She is an older nurse & is too cute!

So I triggered on Sunday night & "got together" with the hubby.
Monday night I "got together" with the hubby...again.
This morning I ovulated & this evening proceeded to have yet more "together" time with the hubby. Let me just say that we are BOTH done with the "getting together" part - for the rest of this week anyway! Tomorrow morning I start the Prometrium - ugh! 14 days of constant leakage & dampness is oh so fun! I can hardly wait!

And with that, the 2 week wait begins...

1 comment:

Desiree said...

I haven't had a chance to email you back and I'm so sorry for that. :-(

I just wanted to know I'm thinking of you!!