Lucky for us, they called us back right away & 15 minutes later we had a couple of pictures & an answer!
My RE released me today to my OB whom I am seeing tomorrow so hopefully I can get another scan scheduled in a couple weeks to hear the heartbeat. I am really sad to be leaving my RE & all her nurses who have been on this journey with us for the last year but am glad to have reached this point & be able to move on.
We are SO very cautiously excited & yet so very nervous for what is to come. We have crossed yet another hurdle but have so many more to go. At least for today we saw the HB so I am going to relax a little & enjoy the blessings of being pregnant.
Thanks again to you all for your continued prayers & support! We aren't out of the woods yet so please keep saying those prayers!
xoxo - HT :)
Congratulations!!! What a beautiful sight!
furiously happy!!!
What D said. :)
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