Monday, March 28, 2011

ET done

This morning we arrived at the RE's clinic at 8am for our embryo transfer. I had drank my 24oz of water & took my Valium as instructed so I was feeling quite relaxed by the time they took us back to the transfer room. I got undressed, hopped on the table & then Dr. B & the NP proceeded to talk about my sox :) Yeah - that's right! I am sportin' the "lucky sox" & they loved them :) Hey, we need all the "luck" we can get at this point!

Next the embryologist joined in the party & we all went over the embryos we were transferring. We all agreed to transfer 2 blastocysts that were a "4AA grade quality" with no fragmentation & the RE said that is about as perfect quality as you can get for Day 5 so that made us feel real good. The embryologist showed us our embies that were magnified on a TV monitor & they truly looked perfect!
Then we discussed our remaining rockstar embies.

As of this morning, we have 7 that are doing well with another one not progressing as well. They will continue to let them develop until tomorrow & then decide how many qualify for freezing. I am praying the rest make it to Day 6!
The transfer itself was flawless & went really quick - took less than 2 minutes! It was also painless - but maybe that was the Valium & I didn't really care about pain? :) Once the embryologist verified the embies were no longer in the catheter, Dr. B removed everything & I laid on the table for about 20 minutes & then we were able to head home.

I ended up falling asleep on the ride home & I swear it was the best nap I have ever had! Me likey some Valium :) I have been spending my day laying in bed with the bulldogs & we are catching up on some DVR'd shows. I have a feeling this 2 days of bedrest is going to be a long one but will have been worth it in the end!


LCSween said...

woo!! Awesome blasts...I hope the 8 days fly!

Michelle said...

Sounds PERFECT!! I just know that this is IT for you! Praying hard that those embies stick!! Rest up sweetie!!

Cori said...

God, we thank you for what sounds like perfect circumstances today for Heather and Shane. We place this in Your hands now. We ask that if it is Your will, You would bless Heather and Shane with a healthy child from this in vitro, and we praise you for the science that You created that helps so many of us. Thank you God for this couple and this chance.

Heather said...

Thank you so much Cori for that beautiful prayer :)

Desiree said...

Oh sure Cori, post the best comment ever and leave the rest of us nothing! :-)

I'm serious - I got nothing but hugs.


Love you Heather!!